Delicious and Affordable Filipino Ulam Recipes

cheap filipino food ulam recipes

Introduction to cheap filipino food ulam recipes

Ulam holds a central place in Filipino cuisine, representing the array of dishes that form the heart of a meal. Typically served with rice, ulam is the main course, providing the primary flavors and sustenance for the dining experience. The term ‘ulam’ encompasses a vast variety of dishes, each reflecting the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines. From meat and seafood to vegetables and legumes, the diversity of ulam is a testament to the resourcefulness and creativity of Filipino cooks.

In the context of daily Filipino dining, ulam is indispensable. It is not merely food; it is an expression of culture, tradition, and familial bonds. Every Filipino meal revolves around the ulam, and the act of sharing these dishes with loved ones is a cherished social ritual. Whether it’s a simple dish cooked in a rural household or a complex recipe prepared for a festive occasion, ulam connects people through the universal language of food.

This blog post aims to introduce you to a selection of cheap Filipino food ulam recipes that are both budget-friendly and easy to prepare. Despite their affordability, these recipes do not compromise on flavor, ensuring that you can enjoy the rich tastes of Filipino cuisine without breaking the bank. From hearty stews to savory sautés, these ulam dishes are perfect for those seeking delicious and economical meal options.

Adobo: The Quintessential Filipino Dish

Chicken Adobo stands as a cornerstone in the realm of Filipino cuisine, renowned for its rich, savory flavor and simplicity in preparation. The dish combines basic yet flavorful ingredients, making it a staple in many households. The core components include vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, bay leaves, and peppercorns. These ingredients meld together to create a harmonious balance of tangy, salty, and slightly sweet notes, defining the essence of Adobo.

To prepare Chicken Adobo, start by marinating chicken thighs, which are both affordable and tender, in a mixture of soy sauce and minced garlic for at least 30 minutes. This step ensures that the chicken absorbs the full depth of the flavors. Next, heat oil in a pot and sauté additional garlic until fragrant. Add the marinated chicken and cook until it is browned on all sides. Pour in the marinade, along with vinegar, bay leaves, and peppercorns. Allow the mixture to simmer, covered, until the chicken is fully cooked and tender. This usually takes about 30 minutes. To enhance the flavor, some might add a little sugar or even a splash of coconut milk towards the end of the cooking process.

One of the reasons Adobo is beloved is its versatility. While chicken is a popular choice, pork belly can also be used, providing a richer, more indulgent version of the dish. Vegetarians can enjoy Adobo by substituting tofu or a medley of vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and green beans. This adaptability makes Adobo an excellent option for those seeking cheap Filipino food ulam recipes. Additionally, the ingredients for Adobo are generally inexpensive and readily available, further cementing its status as a budget-friendly dish.

Adobo’s simplicity does not compromise its depth of flavor, making it a beloved dish not only in the Philippines but also among those who appreciate a hearty, economical meal. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, Chicken Adobo offers a delightful culinary experience that is both accessible and satisfying.

Sinigang: A Comforting Sour Soup

Sinigang is a quintessential Filipino ulam that perfectly embodies the unique flavor profile of Filipino cuisine. This beloved sour soup is typically made with pork, shrimp, or fish, and is known for its distinctive tanginess, derived predominantly from tamarind. The perfect balance of sour and savory makes it a comforting meal for many families. It is also a dish that can be both affordable and nutritious, especially when utilizing local, seasonal vegetables.

To prepare a traditional Sinigang, you will need the following ingredients: 1 kilogram of pork ribs or belly, 1 medium-sized onion, 2 medium-sized tomatoes, 1 radish, 1 bunch of kangkong (water spinach), 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 1 pack of tamarind soup base, and 1 liter of water. Optional ingredients that can enhance the flavor include green chili peppers and eggplant.

Here is a step-by-step guide to cooking Sinigang:

1. Begin by boiling the water in a large pot. Once boiling, add the pork and let it cook until tender, skimming off any impurities that rise to the surface.

2. Add the chopped onions and tomatoes to the pot and continue to simmer. This will help to build a rich base flavor for the soup.

3. Incorporate the tamarind soup base into the pot, stirring well to ensure it dissolves completely.

4. Add the radish, sliced into thin rounds, and cook until it begins to soften. If using additional vegetables like eggplant, add them at this stage.

5. Season the soup with fish sauce to taste. For a bit of heat, you can also add green chili peppers.

6. Finally, add the kangkong and let it cook for another 2-3 minutes, just until the leaves wilt.

Using local, seasonal vegetables not only keeps costs low but also ensures that the ingredients are fresh and full of flavor. For example, substituting kangkong with other leafy greens available in your area can maintain the dish’s nutritional value while keeping it affordable. Sinigang’s flexibility and reliance on readily available ingredients make it an excellent option for those seeking cheap Filipino food ulam recipes that do not compromise on taste or health benefits.

Tinola: A Nourishing Chicken Soup

Tinola is a classic Filipino ulam recipe that epitomizes comfort and nourishment. This hearty chicken soup features tender chicken pieces, green papaya, and malunggay (moringa leaves), creating a flavorful and nutritious meal. The traditional preparation of Tinola highlights the simplicity and affordability of Filipino cuisine, making it a staple dish for many households.

The health benefits of Tinola are substantial. Chicken provides a good source of protein, while green papaya is rich in vitamins A and C, aiding in digestion and boosting the immune system. Malunggay leaves, often referred to as a superfood, are packed with essential nutrients, including iron, calcium, and antioxidants. Together, these ingredients make Tinola not only a delicious but also a highly nutritious option for any meal.

To prepare Tinola, start by sautéing garlic, onions, and ginger in a pot until aromatic. Add chicken pieces and cook until they turn golden brown. Pour in water or chicken broth and bring it to a boil. Once boiling, lower the heat and let it simmer until the chicken is cooked through. Add sliced green papaya and continue to simmer until the papaya becomes tender. Finally, stir in malunggay leaves and season with fish sauce and pepper to taste.

For those seeking even more budget-friendly alternatives, chayote can be used in place of green papaya. Chayote, also known as vegetable pear, is often more affordable and equally nutritious. It absorbs the flavors of the soup well, making it a great substitute without compromising the dish’s quality.

Tinola is an excellent example of cheap Filipino food ulam recipes that do not sacrifice taste or nutritional value. Its straightforward preparation and the use of inexpensive ingredients make it a go-to meal for families looking to enjoy traditional Filipino flavors without breaking the bank.

Ginisang Munggo: A Hearty Mung Bean Stew

Ginisang Munggo is a beloved Filipino ulam that embodies the essence of affordable and nutritious home-cooked meals. Made primarily from mung beans, this dish is not only budget-friendly but also packed with essential nutrients, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enjoy cheap Filipino food ulam recipes without compromising on health.

The ingredients for Ginisang Munggo are simple and easy to find. You will need:

  • 1 cup mung beans
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 2 cups leafy greens (e.g., spinach or malunggay leaves)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: 200 grams pork or shrimp for added flavor

To prepare this hearty mung bean stew, follow these steps:

  1. First, rinse the mung beans thoroughly under running water. Place them in a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and let the mung beans simmer until they are tender, approximately 30-40 minutes. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a separate pan, heat a tablespoon of oil over medium heat. Sauté the minced garlic until it becomes fragrant, then add the chopped onions and cook until they are translucent.
  3. Add the diced tomatoes to the pan and cook until they soften, releasing their juices.
  4. If using pork or shrimp, add them to the pan at this stage and cook until the meat or seafood is cooked through.
  5. Combine the cooked mung beans with the sautéed mixture. Stir well to ensure that the flavors meld together.
  6. Add the leafy greens and cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, allowing them to wilt and integrate into the stew.
  7. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot, preferably with a side of steamed rice.

Ginisang Munggo is a testament to how simple ingredients can create a delicious and nourishing dish. This recipe is a prime example of cheap Filipino food ulam recipes that do not sacrifice taste or nutritional value. Whether you are looking to stretch your budget or enjoy a wholesome meal, Ginisang Munggo is a delightful choice that brings both comfort and satisfaction to the table.

Paksiw na Isda: A Tangy Fish Stew

Paksiw na Isda is a classic Filipino ulam recipe known for its tangy and savory flavors. This dish makes use of affordable ingredients yet delivers a rich taste that is both comforting and satisfying. The primary components of Paksiw na Isda include vinegar, garlic, and ginger, which come together to create a distinctive, tangy broth that enhances the natural flavor of the fish.

Commonly, bangus (milkfish) and tilapia are the preferred types of fish for this dish due to their affordability and availability. These fish types are not only budget-friendly but also absorb the flavors of the stew exceptionally well, making them ideal choices for this recipe.


  • 1 medium-sized bangus (milkfish) or tilapia, cleaned and sliced
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 5 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, sliced
  • 2 medium-sized eggplants, sliced
  • 2 green chili peppers (optional, for added spice)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil


  1. In a large pot, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and ginger, sautéing until they become aromatic.
  2. Pour in the vinegar and water, then bring the mixture to a boil. Allow it to boil for about 2-3 minutes to reduce the acidity of the vinegar.
  3. Carefully add the fish slices to the pot, ensuring they are submerged in the liquid. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Add the sliced eggplants and green chili peppers (if using). Ensure all the ingredients are well-integrated into the broth.
  5. Lower the heat and let the stew simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and the eggplants are tender.
  6. Adjust the seasoning with additional salt and pepper if necessary, then remove the pot from heat.

Serve the Paksiw na Isda hot with steamed rice. This simple yet flavorful dish is a testament to how inexpensive ingredients can be transformed into a delightful meal. By following this recipe, you can enjoy a delicious and affordable Filipino ulam that brings a taste of the Philippines to your table.

Pinakbet: A Flavorful Vegetable Medley

Pinakbet, a staple in Filipino cuisine, hails from the northern region of the Philippines and offers a delightful medley of vegetables. This dish is not only a burst of flavors but also an economical and nutritious option for families. Pinakbet typically includes a variety of locally sourced vegetables such as eggplant, bitter melon, okra, and squash. The key to its authentic taste lies in the use of bagoong, a fermented shrimp paste that adds a distinctive savory depth.

To prepare Pinakbet, begin by gathering the following ingredients:

  • 1 medium eggplant, sliced
  • 1 bitter melon, sliced
  • 200 grams of okra, trimmed
  • 1 small squash, cubed
  • 200 grams of string beans, cut into 2-inch pieces
  • 2 medium tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons of bagoong (fermented shrimp paste)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of cooking oil
  • 1 cup of water

Follow these steps to create this delicious and affordable Filipino ulam recipe:

  1. Heat the cooking oil in a large pan over medium heat. Sauté the garlic and onions until they become fragrant and translucent.
  2. Add the chopped tomatoes and cook until they soften.
  3. Stir in the bagoong, allowing it to blend well with the tomatoes, garlic, and onions.
  4. Add the squash and cook for about 5 minutes or until it starts to soften.
  5. Add the eggplant, bitter melon, and okra. Pour in the water and bring the mixture to a gentle simmer.
  6. Cover the pan and let the vegetables cook for approximately 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking.
  7. Finally, add the string beans and cook for an additional 5 minutes or until all the vegetables are tender.

Pinakbet is a versatile dish that allows for the incorporation of seasonal vegetables, which can further reduce costs. This makes it an ideal choice for budget-conscious families looking to enjoy healthy and flavorful meals. The combination of various vegetables not only provides a vibrant array of colors on your plate but also ensures a rich intake of essential nutrients.

Conclusion: Enjoying Filipino Cuisine on a Budget

Throughout this blog post, we have explored various delicious and nutritious Filipino ulam recipes that are not only flavorful but also budget-friendly. These recipes, which include classic dishes like adobo, sinigang, and tinola, demonstrate that enjoying authentic Filipino cuisine does not have to be expensive. By utilizing affordable ingredients and simple cooking techniques, you can prepare meals that are both satisfying and economical.

We encourage you to try the recipes provided and to experiment with your own variations. Filipino cuisine is known for its adaptability and creativity, allowing you to tailor each dish to your personal taste preferences and available ingredients. Whether you are a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, these recipes offer a great starting point for exploring the diverse flavors of the Philippines.

Moreover, the cultural richness and diversity of Filipino cuisine bring a unique and vibrant taste experience to your dining table. Each dish tells a story of the Philippines’ history, traditions, and regional specialties. By incorporating these cheap Filipino food ulam recipes into your meal planning, you can enjoy a culinary journey through the Philippines without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, Filipino ulam recipes offer a wonderful way to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals while staying within your budget. We hope this blog post has inspired you to explore the world of Filipino cuisine and to bring a taste of the Philippines into your home. Happy cooking!

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